£1 challenge..

We’ve all had it, someone comes around the office with a sponsor form for some event they are doing and as everyone else is sponsoring them you kind of feel obliged to say yes.

You take the form and then see that everyone else in the office has sponsored them for £10.  So do you go with the flow and put down £10 or do you go for a £5 donation and feel a bit mean?


I’m hugely grateful to anyone who pledges money.  I’m usually quite blase about the Race for Life but the last year my family has been hit badly by cancer and I’m determined to raise some money for research.

Last time I was back home, my 8-year old niece Emily asked me what I was running and why I was running. And I explained to her that it was for research to get better treatments for people with cancer.

“Like Mummy?” she replied.

“Yes” I said.

“I’ll sponsor you!” said Emily, “How much do you want?”

Emily has sponsored me £2 out of her own pocket money. She misses her mummy hugely and faces the rest of her life without the love and support of her mum. She misses her particularly when she is feeling unwell and needs some TLC or when she is upset or has had a bad day.

I’m asking you for a mere £1.  I would of course love you to sponsor me more but I would far rather you sponsored me just £1 than not at all.

So if you are thinking ‘Oh God, another sponsor form’, ‘Another blooming race for life person’, ‘Another person wanting money’ then please please please just think for one moment about children like Emily who no longer have their mother around.  And please spare us £1 to try to make sure this doesn’t happen to other children in the future.  Absolutely every £1 counts.

And you can do it easily on your phone.  Simply create a text message which says ‘SHAM68 £1’ and send it to 70070

And that’s it!

If all my friends and colleagues donated just £1, I would smash my target easily.

Please take up my £1 challenge…

You can also sponsor me here:  http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/onepint


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